Tecnologia Digital
Desenvolvimento web e Digitalização de empresas nos padrões internacionais
Website and Web Solutions
Corporate Emails
Cloud Servers
Luz Imagem e Publicidade, é uma empresa moçambicana que presta serviços e consultoria em TI , na área de desenvolvimento de websites e plataformas online. Especializada na criação, gestão e manutenção. Conta com servidores na nuvem, desde hospedagem simples a hospedagem dedicada com servidores capacitados, fundamentada na tradição e paixão de bem servir aos nossos clientes, tendo sempre o tempo como nosso maior activo.

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Website and Web Solutions:
A website is an online presence for your business. It's like a virtual store or an office on the internet where your customers can find information about your products, services and get in touch with you.
Web solutions involve the creation of different types of online platforms to meet the specific needs of your business, such as content management systems, online stores, customer portals, among others.
Corporate Emails:
Corporate emails are personalized email addresses for your business, such as example@yourdomain.com. They convey professionalism and credibility to their customers and business partners.
Additionally, corporate emails often come with additional security and organization features, such as spam filtering, secure cloud storage, and collaboration options.
Cloud Servers:
Cloud servers are data storage and processing infrastructures that are hosted remotely and accessible via the internet.
By opting for cloud servers, your business can enjoy benefits such as flexible scalability (the ability to increase or decrease resources as needed), greater availability and reliability, as well as reduced operational costs compared to traditional physical servers.